When summer vacation begins, everyone is happy and full of energy, but by the dog days of summer appear (and the hot weather that usually goes with it) energy is depleted, the kids have run out of things to do and the phrase that every parents dreads is repeated often: “I’m bored.” Here’s an idea that is sure to lift spirits, will work with just about any age group and best of all, is cheap! Okay, so your waterpark won’t rival the big waterslides shown on TV, but it can be just as fun.
Backyard Water Carnival (for the little ones)
Sidewalk Chalk Art Gallery
Create stations where your kids can use all of that sidewalk chalk that’s been accumulated over the years. Chalk will work on patios and fences and when you’re through, you can just wash it off.
Kiddie Pool and Spinkler
Little ones don’t want to swim. They want to splash. Easy-peasy.
Freeze Tag
Play just like regular tag only the one who’s “It” holds the water hose with spray trigger. When a kid gets squirted, they freeze in place and can’t leave the spot before another player tags them. This might be best is mom or dad is always “It” to keep the spraying and tears at a minimum.
Balloon Toss Twist
Kids love the idea of throwing water balloons, but many don’t like the concept of getting hit with one. Here are a few great work arounds:
- Line up a collection of empty containers and have the kids toss balloons into them.
- Using sidewalk chalk, draw out some targets on the fence.
- See who can throw their balloon the farthest.
- Set up a set ladder and place a bucket to use as a target on the ground.
Homemade Waterslide
Purchase a cheap shower curtain liner. Wet it down with water and add a few drops of dish soap to make it slippery. Instant waterslide.
Shooting Gallery
Line up a picnic table with plastic cups and arm the kids with the hose with spray trigger and fire away!
Bubbles Play Area
Nothing fancy, just bring out the jars of bubbles and wands and have a grand time.
Find the Watermelon
For an easy snack, this is a lot of fun if your backyard has a lot of hiding areas. Just like an Easter egg hunt, only use one watermelon. It’s a team activity and when the watermelon is found, everyone wins!
Water Olympics (for families with big kids)
Backwards Waterslide
A nearby park might be best for this one, but if you have a grassy hill in your backyard, give it a try. Purchase a couple of blocks of ice from the grocery store and arm your contestants with winter gloves. The race is to slide down the hill on the block of ice.
Super Slip-n-Slide
Just like that Homemade Waterslide idea above, use a long tarp or better yet, purchase a roll. Again, if you have a hill to work with, this will work best, but a flat, grassy surface will work out just fine too.
Surprise Balloon Toss
Just like your average balloon toss game only fill a couple of the balloons with a surprise liquid like milk, Kool-Aid or other easy to wash off substance. Let the group pick their choice of balloon to use and let the games begin. Dark colored balloons make work the best for this.
Obstacle Course
Create an obstacle course using items household items. Use your imagination. Suggested stations include:
- Set up items like a wheel barrow, planter boxes, trash cans to run around.
- Take advantage of the waterslide.
- Toss flour at the runners.
- Hose down the runners down.
- Use a picnic table to crawl under or climb up and down.
- Creating your own waterpark isn’t difficult, but it does take time. Best to plan a day or two ahead of when you want the event.
- To really make a “splash” with your kids, the element of surprise is key. If you kids are late risers, you can set up the backyard early in the morning. If they are early risers, set up after they go to bed.
- To help save money, shop at your local “dollar store” first. Many of the items you’ll need can be found there on the cheap.
Looking for other summer ideas? Check out our summer guide available: HERE
Have Fun!

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