#Repost @hopetorchlighters
#selfcarelinda #hoperestquest
🌊 We had wonderful time with Linda and learning about @myrestquest. Its so important for all of us to take time to rest and have breathing spaces.
💻 If you missed last night’s virtual support group click the link and the video will open so you can watch and listen to this important topic ⏩ https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/share/YfIw4zPBx6mj6OrCjueL53orvgiAA5nivK-o11Bxd8tZeIfeLzHT8V0tCXB0qx9c.kJIOzEuQQVnaC0-d
💻 Our next meeting with be on Thursday, March 27 at 6:30 P.M. with Cara Carlson from ADP!
#hopetorchlighters #supportgroup #specialneedsparenting
#Repost @hopetorchlighters
New Dates for @hopeinternationalchurch Buddy Break.
New Dates for February-April Beacon of Hope Support Group (presented by Hope Torchlighters and @mastercaregivers).
#SpecialNeedsParenting #RespiteCare #supportgroup #selfcarelinda #hoperestquest #myrestquest #mastercaregivers #drjoscelynramoscampbell #hopebuddybreak #buddybreak
🥳 Happy Birthday to me! I’m thankful to God to be granted another year of life, for family, friends, love, blessings, and everlasting mercies. Grateful to expand the legacy, help the community, and continue making Mommy & Daddy proud in the heavenly realms. 🩷🎂🎉 #felizcumpleaños #happybirthday ...
#martinlutherking #martinlutherkingjr #mlkday #Repost @cityofgroveland
✨ Daily Moment of Charm ✨
In honor of today being Dr. King’s birthday, our MLK Ceremony Planning Committee met to put on the finishing touches for our Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day Ceremony this Saturday, January 18th, from 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. at the E.L. Puryear Building, 243 S. Lake Ave.
🥞 Breakfast Lovers, Rejoice! 🥞 Enjoy a hearty breakfast provided by the Stuckey Improvement Group, featuring:
Fried chicken and waffles
Shrimp and grits
Smothered chicken/pork chops and grits
Biscuits and gravy
Ham and bacon
We’re excited to uplift Dr. King’s legacy with all of you. See you there! ✨
📰 https://www.noticiasnewswire.com/dr-joscelyn-ramos-campbell-awarded/
#pressrelease #globalnewswire #media #presidentialaward #presidentiallifetimeachievementaward #volunteerserviceaward #specialneedsparenting #hopetorchlighters #drjoscelynramoscampbell
🇺🇸🏅Honored to be closing out the last few days of 2024 by receiving the Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award of Service. The Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award is one of the highest civilian honors granted by the President of the United States. This award recognizes individuals who dedicate their time and talents to addressing significant challenges within our nation.
🇺🇸🏅I was blessed to be taught to live my life with faith, hope, and love by my incredible late parents, Jose and Abigail Ramos. Everything I do is based on those fundamental principles.
🇺🇸🏅I am so thankful to my honorary and spiritual parents, Dr. @pastortonymccoy and @pastorjodiemccoy, for presenting me with the award. @hopetorchlighters and Hope Buddy Break were allowed to open and flourish because of their mission to encourage families.
🇺🇸🏅Thank you to @tvsouthlake for the video montage.
🇺🇸🏅My deepest gratitude to HRH Dr. Clyde Rivers for nominating me and Ichangenations work around the globe.
🇺🇸🏅Looking forward to great things for all in the new year.
#merrychristmas #happynewyear