What do you think of when you think about milk?
Healthy? Nutritious? A needed source of calcium? All the delicious foods and dishes that can be created with milk and dairy products – ice cream, cheese, etc.?
Are you fan of almond, soy, or rice “milk”? Do you think you can’t consume milk or dairy based products because you are lactose intolerant?
As a wife and mother of 4 boys, I feel that sometimes there is a lot of confusing messages about milk and dairy products. How often do you see a recipe that substitutes milk (or a dairy product) with a “healthier” choice like almond, soy or rice “milk”? I will frequently be sent information about how commercially-produced cow’s milk alternatives made from soy, coconut, rice, potato, oat, almond, hazelnut, cashew, hemp, flax, sunflower, and even macadamia can be more health-giving or equivalent to the nutritious properties of cow’s milk. I recently attended a community function where baked goods were being sold. One of the homemade items were being marketed from the viewpoint that since the baked good was made with almond milk (instead of cow’s milk) it was a better and nourishing option.
Is cow’s milk ultimately the best choice or a milk drink? To help you make the best choice for your family, it is important to note the nutritional differences so you can decide which is best for you. The following information are provided by Florida Dairy Farmers (& Leche De Florida – FDF’s Spanish language website):
What Are Milk Imitators?
Milk imitators such as almond and soy contain 10 or more added ingredients including salt and even added sugar. Milk imitators are fortified and designed to try to match the nutritional profile of cow’s milk. They are usually more expensive and often have long lists of added ingredients. In effect, milk imitators are not technically milk and are not naturally a nutritional equivalent to cow’s milk. Milk imitators use fortification to mimic milk’s nutrient profile and there is no standard of identity across brands. Milk must conform to a federal standard of identity so you can be assured you are getting the same nutrient profile with every eight-ounce serving.
Milk alternatives are poor natural sources of calcium, so they must be fortified to be calcium-rich. Few foods provide such a concentrated source of calcium as milk and milk products. Depending on the brand, alternative beverage companies use different methods to fortify their products, and there is no federal standard of the nutrient profile of the product. Read the label carefully and be on the lookout for a long list of unfamiliar ingredients. A beverage-maker’s claim that its drink has “twice the calcium” of milk doesn’t mean you’ll benefit from it. When considering nondairy beverages, it’s important to keep in mind that their fortification does not guarantee that they are nutritionally equivalent to milk. This is because the bioavailability of calcium forms and sources varies. While soy beverages are considered part of the “Milk Group,” they do not naturally contain all of the nutrients found in cow’s milk and require fortification to mimic its nutrient package. Plus, with food costs going up across the board, soy beverages tend to be more expensive than cow’s milk.
What If You Are Lactose Intolerance?
Lactose intolerance does not mean dairy avoidance. First, it’s important to understand whether you are sensitive, self-diagnosed or medically diagnosed. The vast majority of Americans actually fall under the first two categories. It can be confusing, but your dairy diet doesn’t have to be all or nothing. If you’re considering a milk imitator because you think you might be lactose intolerant, consider lactose-free dairy products. They provide the same nutritional benefits found in traditional dairy foods, except the lactose (milk sugar) is already broken down for you. You can still enjoy dairy daily since many milks, yogurts and cheeses, such as cheddar and Swiss, do not contain lactose, but still provide those essential nutrients. Check out the labels, consider incorporating small portions of dairy into your diet and talk to your doctor or registered dietitian.
Why Milk Is Important
Milk from cows is commonly referred to as “nature’s most perfect food.” Few foods deliver dairy’s unique combination of nutrients in such an affordable, appealing and readily available way. Sometimes milk is overshadowed because consumers are bombarded with so many beverage choices. However, many nutrition experts and health professional organizations – including the American Academy of Pediatrics and the National Medical Association – have long recognized the importance of three daily servings of dairy foods as part of a healthy, nutrient-rich diet. Americans currently consume about two servings of dairy per day, on average. Adding just one more serving of dairy can help fill some of America’s nutrient gaps, and eating more low-fat dairy foods has been shown to reduce the risk for high blood pressure, osteoporosis and certain cancers.
Milk contributes more calcium, vitamin D and potassium, three nutrients considered lacking in American diets, than any other food. Drinking milk substitutes can lead to gaps in calcium and other nutrients such as protein, phosphorous and B vitamins. Ounce for ounce, milk is by far the best source of calcium for the money. Research shows that ounce for ounce, cow’s milk is one of the best sources of calcium for your money. An eight-ounce glass of milk provides eight times more naturally occurring protein than a glass of almond beverage. In fact, milk imitators contain little or no high quality protein. To obtain the amount of calcium absorbed from one cup of milk, an individual would have to consume eight cups of spinach, nearly five cups of red beans or 2 1/4 cups of broccoli. Vegan sources of calcium may be less bioavailable, making it more difficult for vegans to meet calcium recommendations.
Milk from cows is the most naturally wholesome, nutritious drink out there, with numerous health benefits. Milk-drinkers tend to have better overall quality diets and without it, it’s much more difficult to get the adequate level of nutrients you need. As the nation turns its attention to reducing calories, dairy foods account for just 10 percent of the calories in the American diet. A single glass of milk delivers a powerful package of nine essential nutrients, which is difficult to find in other foods. At just 25 cents per serving, milk is also the economical choice, offering more nutrients per penny than almost any other beverage option.
Cow’s milk is pure and simple, and that means no antibiotics too. In addition, milk provides the same great nutrient package every time, no matter which brand you choose. Milk imitators use fortification to mimic milk’s nutrient profile and there is no standard of identity across brands. Milk must conform to a federal standard of identity so you can be assured you are getting the same nutrient profile with every eight-ounce serving.
Now that you understand more about milk and dairy consumption…who doesn’t want more milk?! 🙂 Thanks to Florida Dairy Farmers & Leche De Florida, we are giving away 6 MONTHS OF FREE MILK ($150 Value)! Enter the giveaway via the Rafflecopter link below.
For more information, visit lechedeflorida.com or floridamilk.com
Facebook: facebook.com/LecheDeFlorida
Facebook: facebook.com/FloridaMilk
Disclosure: As a Florida Dairy Farmers Ambassador, this is sponsored content. Any opinions stated here are our own.
Joscelyn, Owner of Mami of Multiples & Mami Innovative Media
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harolde says
Louisiana is my state!
harolde says
I learned that Lactose intolerance does not mean dairy avoidance, I never knew that.
Julie says
This looks great!
I’m from Virginia!
Sonya Morris says
I am from NC. sonyadmorris@gmail.com
Sonya Morris says
Shared on pinterest.
Sharon Richardson says
I’m from Florida and I learned that being lactose intolerance does not automatically mean dairy avoidance.
Sharon Richardson says
I liked Florida Milk and Mami of Multiples on Facebook.
allyson Tice says
sunflowerally22@aim.com NEW YORK state here!
Susan Christy says
Kansas – I think I heard the other day we are 16th in milk production in the US.
suschris1 at gmail dot com
Andrea says
Holtgirl0303@aol.com and Michigan! (:
Terry Stevens says
I am in Montana. Email is listed below in the email section.
Lindsay Bade says
I live in Illinois. lindsay8808@gmail.com
Crystal Gregg says
WV crystallgregg@gmail
Janet Lindsey says
North Carolina
Janet Lindsey says
Milk imitators use fortification to imitate milk
Ann Fantom says
I’m from NY
abfantom at yahoo dot com
Ashley C says
addictedtorodeo at gmail dot com
Meagan says
morethanacouponqueen @ gmail.com
Mary says
I’m in Florida!
Cynthia C says
clc at neo dot rr dot com
Cynthia C says
I learned that milk imitators use fortification to mimic milk’s nutrient profile and there is no standard of identity across brands.
Cynthia C says
Cynthia C says
Liked making Pudin De Pan on FB
Cynthia Conley
Cynthia C says
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Cynthia Conley
katherine = says
New York~
Margaret Smith says
I’m from New Jersey. rickpeggysmith(at)aol(dot)com
David s says
I’m in ohio
Angela Williams says
I live in Virginia.
Catalina says
Georgia! ca_torre@hotmail.com
McKim says
Wyoming kimkmc at yahoo dot com
Marija says
In in MN.
Jeanna says
I live in Florida.
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manda says
Oklahoma, mandaoverturf at yahoo dot com
manda says
I liked the video.
Kelly D says
My email is Kellywcu8888ATgmailDOTcom and I live in PA
Michele Cupp says
I live in OH. steelecupp@gmail.com
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Michele Cupp says
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Michele Cupp says
I learned that Milk contributes more calcium, vitamin D and potassium, three nutrients considered lacking in American diets, than any other food..
mami2jcn says
I’m in North Carolina
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
Elena says
I am in California.
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Em Mahr says
I live in Florida!
Em Mahr says
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Tracy Davis says
I am from Washington State. Email is rafflecopter.
Rana Durham says
i am in georgia and my email : ranajeree@gmail.com
Chrissy says
I live in Maryland.
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Chrissy says
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Rana Durham says
i left comment on facebook : https://www.facebook.com/LecheDeFlorida/posts/1628935334083113 my name on there is rana durham
Rana Durham says
i subscribed to email and heres my email addres : ranajeree@gmail.com
Rana Durham says
i comented https://www.facebook.com/floridamilk/posts/10158121997310501 on facebook. heres my name: rana durham
Maureen Ruble says
I live in Florida!
LaTanya says
I live in South Carolina
David says
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Susan Smith says
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Susan Smith says
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Susan Smith says
Susan Smith says
I learned that Milk contributes more calcium, vitamin D and potassium, three nutrients considered lacking in American diets, than any other food.
Susan Smith says
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Kayla Hyde says
My email is lastingpurple@hotmail.com and I am in Maine
Susan Smith says
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Linda says
I currently live in NJ
Linda says
I learned that milk is the best source of calcium for your money.
Aaron says
mutterbumser [at] yahoo [dot] com
Steve Weber says
Awesome! milk is my favorite
I live in the dairy state of Wisconsin
Jen says
I live in Florida!!! Thanks!!
stephanie scales campbell says
i am from Alabama
Sonya Morris says
Shared on Pinterest.
Sonya Morris says
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Ellie Wright says
I’m from Texas.
eswright18 at gmail dot com
addrienne mertens says
zippy573 AT netscape DOT net
i live in Pennsylvania.. did you know that drinking milk with spaghetti tastes much better than juice? for some reason juice ruins the flavor of the sauce. milk lets you enjoy your dinner with flavor. just in case you were wondering. or didnt know you didnt know..
Pam says
Sandra S says
Checking in from Southern Virginia!
Pam says
I learned that milk imitators such as almond and soy contain 10 or more added ingredients including salt and even added sugar.
tiffany dayton says
I ‘m in Mississippi.We love milk. jothweatt47@aol.com is my email.
beth shepherd says
I live in Ohio
tatertot3741 at gmail dot com
tiffany dayton says
I just left a message on the article about the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.
Ashley B. says
Heather W says
Awesome! From Florida!
Nancy Bobbert says
I live in Florida. 🙂
Katrina Brockavich says
I live in Washington state. Mrsbrockavich48 (at)gmail (dot) com
Monique Rizzo says
Thank you for the giveaway.
Happy New Years!
Rana Durham says
Milk-drinkers tend to have better overall quality diets is one most interesting facts i learn.
Rana Durham says
i shared on pinterest as alternativer shre this post https://www.pinterest.com/pin/226305950006219434/
Rana Durham says
i “Like” and view a Bread Pudding Recipe video on the Mami of Multiples Facebook Page
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Nicole says
Mississippi nharvey1978 (at) gmail (dot) com
Nicole says
I left a comment on their page letting them know you sent me (Nikki Averett Harvey)
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Kathryn says
I live in Texas!
Tabathia B says
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North Carolina
Brittney House says
bbrittbrat1398 at yahoo dot com
laura bernard says
Tennessee Bringlaurathehorizon@ymail.com
Andrew Palopoli says
Great Article
shirley says
supergrand2009 at yahoo dot com
shirley says
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Stephanie Liske says
I am in CA.
Fiona N says
I am from Washington
Thank You for the chance!
Fiona N says
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I liked the Mami of Multiples Facebook Page , and the 6 Months of Free Milk giveaway posted under name: fiona nuyen
Thank You
katherine = says
LIked on fb kathe persons
Marilyn Nawara says
Michigan marilynnawara@gmail.com
Sonya Allstun says
I live in Missouri
Sonya Allstun says
liked them on facebook and told them you sent me
Sonya Allstun says
Milk imitators use fortification to imitate milk
Bobbie Smith says
I live in the wonderful state of Kentucky! I used my email when I wrote this comment, I hope that was the way you wanted it, instead of posting it on the comment.
Bobbie Smith says
Liked your FB page, and Liked and commented on the post for the 6 months of free milk!
Bobbie Smith says
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Virginia Bradshaw says
I am from TX.
rachael debates says
I’m from Illinois! My email is eventplanning3@gmail.com
Erica B. says
I’m in maryland.
Mary Cloud says
Louisiana here
goodthingsarecoming1978 (@) gmail (.) com
Danielle Porter says
rqballporter at gmail dot com
I’m in Florida!
Gayle Gildehaus says
I am from Missouri. Never1tosaynever@gmail.com
Bobbie Smith says
Liked and viewed and commented on your FB video Bread Pudding
angela smith says
Nancy says
NC is the state we call home.
Nancy says
I liked their page and commented that you sent me there.
Nancy says
I learned that milk costs just 25 cents per serving – what a bargain!
Dana Rodriguez says
I live in SC
Dana Rodriguez says
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Dana Rodriguez says
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Dana Rodriguez says
I learned milk imitators contain little or no high quality protein.
Dana Rodriguez says
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Dana Rodriguez says
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Dana Rodriguez says
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Dana Rodriguez says
I commented on the Snowball Cookies post and pinned it as well 🙂
Serge B says
psybot @ charter dot net. Live in Massachusetts
Maggie Currier says
Maggie Currier- New Hampshire Currierm10@gmail.com
Danielle says
I live in Washington State
Lisa V. says
I live in Texas.
Lisa V. says
I live in Maryland. lvoyce108@gmail.com
susan smoaks says
i am from florida susansmoaks@gmail.com
Stephanie O'Day says
Tenneseee here! Stephanie.oday@yahoo.com
Stephanie O'Day says
Liked on facebook!
Ronda says
renee says
renee says
Milk imitators are not milk!
Xochil Elmore says
I learned more about lactose intolerant, thanks Mami of Multiples
Dorothy Whelchel says
hppechk2@yahoo.com. NM
joseph gersch says
I am joseph gersch live in Pennyslvania
Brooke Allen says
I live in Colorado.
Tracie Vandermeulen says
Michigan tracieandmike@aol.com
Leah Shumack says
I’m in NY and my email addy is lshumack at gmail dot com
Kyl Neusch says
in wisconsin
MANDA says
I like the giveaway on FB
MANDA says
I like the freezer video.
Vunda V says
email is dtdady at gmail dot com – i live in Virginia!
Lori Walker says
VA resident – schwartz.lori@gmail.com
Laurie Emerson says
lauraemerson17 at yahoo dot com
Maria Beas says
I’m in California and my email address is; vabero14@hotmail.com
Maria Beas says
I visited Leche De Florida and left a comment;
Amy says
fab giveaway. xxx