HOP features state-of-the-art animation with live action to tell the comic tale of Fred (James Marsden), an out-of-work slacker who accidentally injures the Easter Bunny (voiced by Russell Brand) and must take him in as he recovers. As Fred struggles with the world’s worst houseguest, both will learn what it takes to finally grow up. The film is helmed by Tim Hill, director of the blockbuster Alvin & the Chipmunks and produced by Chris Meledandri’s Illumination Entertainment (Despicable Me).
One of the larger-than-life characters from HOP is Carlos. Voiced by Hank Azaria, Carlos, is a firm, tough, and far too large to be a chick; he is all business. Frustrated by the sovereignty of the Easter Bunny and his team of rabbits, Carlos has been serving as the Easter Bunny’s No. 2 for years. But Carlos is sick of being No. 2. It’s time for the chicks to rise…He has been plotting a coup d’état with his fellow chick workers and he wants to replace candy with birdseed & lettuce cups!
1 E.B. Plush Toy
1 HOP Drumsticks Set
2 HOP Shirts
1 Pink Beret
2 Silly Bandz Boxes
1 HOP activity sheet
1 HOP Bunny Ears
1 HOP Crayons
Candies, i.e., Hershey’s milk chocolate, Almond Joy, Reese’s Peanut Butter cups, Jolly Ranchers, Kit-Kat, Kisses and Peanut Butter Filled Chocolate Eggs
To Enter to Win the HOP Easter Basket Giveaway
Visit www.iwantcandy.com and comment on anything HOP related.
Check out fun activities, games, downloads, and HOP trailers
Additional Entries
•Subscribe to MamiofMultiples.com through Google Connect, Email, or RSS
•”Like” MamiofMultiples.com Facebok Page and leave a comment on the wall
•Follow MamiofMultiples.com on Twitter
•”Like” the official HOP Facebook Page and leave a comment on the wall about this posting
•Tweet the following statement on Twitter: HOP on over to @JoscelynRC at http://www.MamiofMultiples.com to win the @UniversalPics HOP Easter Basket. #giveaway @HM_Comm
For more HOP related fun check out the following sites:
- Doodle Jumpfans can play the super-secret new Easter-themed level as E.B. and look for an exclusive HOP version of Doodle Jump soon! You can also download the free Hop on Drums app and drum like E.B. – available on iPhone and Android.
- Visit Poptropica http://www.poptropica.com to visit HOP’s candy factory and play games.
- Visit Webkinz World to earn your virtual bunny avatar and other HOP-inspired daily prizes: www.webkinz.com.
Joscelyn, Owner of Mami of Multiples & Mami Innovative Media
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Darlene Miller says
LOVE THIS! We are agree to see the movie. Love the trailers and games. My kids would love this Easter basket. Thanks for hosting.
Darlene Miller says
I follow you on Twitter @MommaDarlene
Darlene Miller says
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Mami2jcn says
The bunny hop game is cute!
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
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mami2jcn at gmail dot com
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I like Hop on Facebook (Mary Happymommy) and wrote on their wall-http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=203941452958242&id=100000611160195
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
Mami2jcn says
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
Vida says
I subscribe via e-mail! vida44 at yahoo dot com.
Vida says
I follow you on Twitter 🙂
Vida says
I visited the site and my 2 yo can’t stop laughing and pointing at the screen w/ all the chickies! Cute!!
Vida says
I like your FB page and left comment 🙂
Vida says
I tweeted!
Deb K says
Too Cute~We love the Bunny Hop game here!
bdiane34 says
Love the site, I commented!!
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Dora R says
My kids cannot wait to see this movie, its so cute and funny. Chicks Rules! So cute, perfect time for Easter too. Thank you for the great Hop Giveaway.
Dora R says
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Dora R says
I’m a Email Subscriber and GFC Follower.
Dora R says
I Like Hop on Facebook and left a comment on their wall. http://www.facebook.com/hop?sk=wall&filter=1
Katrina Brady says
I hope this is open to Canadians. Pls let me know…about HOP..I love that Russell Brand is the voice of the rabbit
sweetpeg at gmail dot com
Katrina Brady says
I hope this is open to Canadians. Pls let me know…about HOP..I love that Russell Brand is the voice of the rabbit
sweetpeg at gmail dot com
Rachel says
We love playing the “candy craze” game at the HOP site.
Rachel says
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Rachel says
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Rachel says
I “Like” the official HOP Facebook Page and left a comment:
Rachel says
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/rbenson1011/status/54410128597848064
purplelover04 says
i love the game for ihop on the ipad.
purple_lover_04 at msn dot com
purplelover04 says
“Like” MamiofMultiples.com Facebok Page erica best
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gfc name purplelover04
purplelover04 says
Follow MamiofMultiples.com on Twitter @purplelover04
purplelover04 says
“Like” the official HOP Facebook Page erica best
purplelover04 says
MamiofMultiples.com says
THANK YOU FOR ALL WHO ENTERED THE HOP Easter Basket Giveaway! Based on Random.org, entry #3 won the HOP Easter Basket. Thank you for all who entered and look for more giveaways soon!