One of my favorite photos before Justin was deployed. His birthday – June ’06
in families, family outing, military, multiples, parenting, travel on
One of my favorite photos before Justin was deployed. His birthday – June ’06
in beauty, families, family outing, food, health, multiples, parenting, travel on
Justin and I will be celebrating our 4th Wedding Anniversary on November 22nd. He was deployed about 6 months into our marriage, but he did come back for some R&R before our 1st Anniversary. To celebrate our 1st Anniversary, we stayed at a Bed&Breakfast in Maryland called The Brampton Inn. The Inn is located in historic Chestertown and is a… View Post
Hola Everyone! I’m not sure why I’m saying “hi everyone” if right now I’m my only reader! With so many social networks and instant tools for all of us to stay connected, I thought I would throw my hat in ring and take a chance at blogging, as well. My name is Joscelyn and I’m mom to 3 boys. Joseph… View Post
🕊️🎂💙 March 11. Happy Heavenly Birthday, Daddy.
🕊️🎂💙 Over 40 years ago, a former professional baseball player from Cuba, who had become an acclaimed international delegate and contract executive with the International Longshoremen’s Union, was approached by Mrs. Coretta Scott King. She asked him to come down from our home in Brooklyn, New York, to assist her in Orlando, Florida. She knew my Dad as a friend & as a trusted advisor. A well-known snack factory, which predominantly employed people of color, planned to shut down its major facility to relocate to the Midwest. Unbeknownst to the employees in the South, the company had already prepared a community for employees of lighter skin and intended to pay them significantly higher wages.
🕊️🎂💙 This was a high-stakes battle that unfolded behind closed doors among top leadership. It encompassed various critical issues—discrimination, fair wages, accessibility, education, human rights, job advancement, and promotion.
🕊️🎂💙 Within 48 hours, they had saved the factory, ensured employees received proper work gear, and raised their livable wages.
🕊️🎂💙 The day the negotiations concluded was March 11—my Dad’s birthday. None of the employees ever knew what the snack officials attempted against them or what my Dad and Mrs. King did for their benefit.
🕊️🎂💙 In 2025, that factory still stands in Orlando, continuing to provide employment.
🕊️🎂💙 Tonight, on March 11, my Dad’s birthday, I sit just a few miles from the factory he and Mrs. King saved. I wear one of my hats for the community as the Chairperson of the Recreational Advisory Committee for the City of Groveland.
🕊️🎂💙 l am incredibly humbled and thankful that God has consistently allowed my experiences, education, work, and talents to be in service to others.
🕊️🎂💙 With over 20 years of experience in federal and local government, community agencies, television and media, and ministerial work, I continually give thanks for the opportunity to bloom where I am planted.
🕊️🎂💙 This is the best way to honor my Dad on his birthday.
🕊️🎂💙 Happy Birthday, Daddy! I love and miss you every day of my life.
#HappyHeavenlyBirthday #HappyBirthdayDaddy
🦅 📚 Our dynamic duo, Jonathan & Jeremy, while being dual enrolled at @hopepreparatoryacademy, have been invited to join @lakesumterstatecollege’s The National Society of Leadership and Success!
🦅 📚 Boys, from the very beginning of your educational journey, you have consistently achieved academic excellence each quarter and semester. Now, as dual-enrolled students in high school and college, you have reached even greater heights. These accomplishments are impressive on their own, but they become even more significant when you consider the kind of moral and empathetic characters you possess. With loving and compassionate hearts, you continue to serve as community youth leaders for special needs and neurodiverse families. As special needs siblings yourselves, you understand the importance of quality, individualized time that many siblings don’t have. Yet, you choose to dedicate your free time to supporting other special needs families and siblings. Whenever someone needs a helping hand, it’s often said, “The twins will help.” Your intelligence makes us proud, while the content of your character fills us with love and admiration. 💙💙 🦅 📚 The National Society of Leadership and Success, NSLS, is the largest collegiate leadership honor society in the United States, with more than 800 chapters and over two million members nationwide.
🦅 📚 Membership is available to a limited number of students, and they have earned this recognition because of their academic accomplishment and leadership potential. Their candidacy is a nationally recognized achievement of honorable distinction. Their achievement of a 3.8+ GPA provides you the distinguished honor to join the NSLS as a Presidential member. #twins #jonathan #jeremy #dynamicduo #DualEnrollment #HPA #honorsociety
Every non-profit organization or community resource has a story behind it—usually centered around a person who inspired its creation. Joshua’s birth and life have been the driving force behind programs that support and empower special needs and neurodiverse families since 2018.
He embodies the promise of Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
I am grateful to everyone who has come alongside us to help educate, empower, support, and, most importantly, LOVE, this truly amazing child. The best is yet to come! 🙌🏽 💙
#TeamJoshua #JoshuasAngels #specialneedsparenting #hopetorchlighters
#hopebuddybreak #hopeinternationalchurch
#Repost @hopetorchlighters
#selfcarelinda #hoperestquest
🌊 We had wonderful time with Linda and learning about @myrestquest. Its so important for all of us to take time to rest and have breathing spaces.
💻 If you missed last night’s virtual support group click the link and the video will open so you can watch and listen to this important topic ⏩
💻 Our next meeting with be on Thursday, March 27 at 6:30 P.M. with Cara Carlson from ADP!
#hopetorchlighters #supportgroup #specialneedsparenting
#Repost @hopetorchlighters
New Dates for @hopeinternationalchurch Buddy Break.
New Dates for February-April Beacon of Hope Support Group (presented by Hope Torchlighters and @mastercaregivers).
#SpecialNeedsParenting #RespiteCare #supportgroup #selfcarelinda #hoperestquest #myrestquest #mastercaregivers #drjoscelynramoscampbell #hopebuddybreak #buddybreak
🥳 Happy Birthday to me! I’m thankful to God to be granted another year of life, for family, friends, love, blessings, and everlasting mercies. Grateful to expand the legacy, help the community, and continue making Mommy & Daddy proud in the heavenly realms. 🩷🎂🎉 #felizcumpleaños #happybirthday ...