Interested in Having Joscelyn Speak at Your
Upcoming Conference, Event or Organization?
(352) 978-4178
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Joscelyn’s Recent Television and Media Appearances
(See More HERE):
Unique Multigenerational Family Fun at St. Augustine and Florida’s Historic Coast
(In Spanish/En Español)
5 Reasons Couples Should Experience St. Augustine and Florida’s Historic Coast
Disney: Unforgettable Vacation at Walt Disney World Resort
Disney: One-of-a-Kind Entertainment at Disney Springs
CBS46 Atlanta: Vacations That Pack a Punch
WKMG-TV CBS: Becoming a Mom Blogger and Bringing Financial Freedom to Families
WKMG-TV CBS: Morning News Team Commercial
WOFL Fox 35: Family Fitness Gifts
Joscelyn will be Speaking at the Following Events
(Speaking Engagements will be Added to the List Upon Confirmation):
Speaking to PR/marketers at Florida Bloggers and Social Media Conference about how brands and bloggers and influencers can effectively work together, including finding the right influencers, approving the pitch and thinking outside the box to collaborate together. #FLBlogCon
Joscelyn was selected to be a U.S. Hispanic Ambassador for Florida’s Historic Coast to showcase attractions and destinations throughout Florida’s Historic Coast. Focusing on the city of St. Augustine, which is the birthplace of U.S. Hispanic culture, Joscelyn and her family will be featured in print, social media and online advertisements highlighting experiences for couples and families.
Unique Multigenerational Family Fun at St. Augustine and Florida’s Historic Coast
(In Spanish/En Español)
5 Reasons Couples Should Experience St. Augustine and Florida’s Historic Coast

Joscelyn Ramos Campbell Awarded For Best Sponsored Campaign and Video (CAMPAIGN, MEDIA AND MARKETING) In The 2nd Annual Tecla Awards

Hispanicize 2012, the iconic annual event for Latino trendsetters and newsmakers in social media, marketing, entertainment and innovation.
Named a national food and lifestyle celebrity by DuPont/Teflon as a panelist on their “Are You Cook Aware?” roundtable at the 2012 International Association of Culinary Professionals (IACP) show in New York City.
Mami Innovative Media (and Mami of Multiples) was a conference speaker and conference media partner for Niche Mommy 2012 in New Orleans, LA. Our fellow co-panelists were Sili from My Mamihood and Yadira from El Club de las Diosas on a session called ’Leveraging Brand Relationships for Conference Sponsorship and Other Paid Opportunities’. The following is response to the session by session attendee and blogger, Teresa Foskey from Making it All Work:
The session really helped me, as well as many others, to connect the dots with information we already had. There were so many “Ah-ha” moments during this session it was amazing. I felt like so many questions I had about monetizing my blog were answered. These girls are so knowledgeable and genuinely want to see other bloggers succeed. This session had everyone still talking about what a wonderful wealthy of information was learned the next morning at breakfast. I urge you to follow them because they are destined for great things in the future and I, for one, can’t wait to see what they will do.
Mami Innovative Media was the Master of Ceremonies for Unity in the Community Fest . Hosted by Better Life Worship Center to help feed needy families in Central Florida, the Unity in the Community Fest is a free one-day family extravaganza.
Mami Innovative Media (and Mami of Multiples) was a conference speaker for the Central Florida Bloggers Conference 2012 in Orlando, FL about “Playground Rules: How Brands and Bloggers Can Work Together”.
Hispanicize 2011, 2nd Annual Hispanic PR & Social Media Conference
April 6-8
Los Angeles, CA
SheCon 2011, The New Media Expo
May 20-22
Fort Lauderdale, FL
July 13 -15
Mason, Ohio